The annoying issues one encounters in this game are too many to mention.

However, I did expect certain infantile mistakes to have been resolved by now. So I knew that the interface would be generally poor and that I would have to spend lots of time doing tedious, repetitive tasks. I had spent enough time on GPS2 (Rules of Nations) to know what to expect, so I purchased the game only because I want to support such efforts. I had spent enough time on I am a big fan of strategy games and geo-political simulations especially (my all-time favorite being Democracy 2). I am a big fan of strategy games and geo-political simulations especially (my all-time favorite being Democracy 2). For what it is, I think it is worth the $50 dollars or so you spend on it, I certainly don't feel as though I was ripped off. They could easily go work on an FPS or RPG game, but they choose not to. They do this out of pure love of the genre, not for profit, because everyone knows selling politically-based games is not the most profitable endeavor in the gaming industry. I mean sure this game has a relatively large number of bugs, but when you have such a small development team trying to create an engine that can accurately and realistically represent how things go on in the real world, then it's is fully understandable how they have made such a flawed game. What I can't comprehend is how fans of the genre don't or can't understand why these games often don't simulate as realistically as people would like them to. From an avid fan of modern Geo-political simulators, but having actually played very few of them as the options as a fan of this genre are so From an avid fan of modern Geo-political simulators, but having actually played very few of them as the options as a fan of this genre are so limited, I can honestly say that this is a decent game.